Juzen Chemical Corporation

About Us

Message from the CEO

In the rapidly evolving global pharmaceutical industry,
Juzen Chemical’s mission remains steadfast: to meet the diverse needs of our customers. Leveraging our long-nurtured expertise, we will offer globally optimal solutions.

>Daisuke Hirota President and CEO

Daisuke Hirota
President and CEO

Juzen Chemical was established in 1950 as a manufacturer of antihistamines and pharmacopoeia drugs, and then, entered the organic intermediates field in 1956 with the production of monochloroacetic acid.

After that, Juzen Chemical expanded the business field to contract manufacturing services for value added intermediates and APIs.

Today, in the global pharmaceutical companies, outsourcing has become a prevailing trend, and the pace of this trend seems to be accelerating.

Against this background, Juzen Chemical is aiming to be the best partner and CDMO for global pharmaceutical companies, which can provide services as one-stop service, covering all stages from research and development support and manufacturing of investigational drugs to stable supply of commercial products. To achieve this, we are now actively working on acquisition of new technologies and investing in equipment.

In 2015, we built a state-of-the-art GMP compliant plant, capable of multiple-APIs production. Owing to the completion of this plant, which is equipped with a wide range of GMP compliant equipment, our quality assurance system was enhanced from the hardware aspect, in addition to the existing software quality assurance.

Furthermore, based on the organic synthesis industrialization technologies we long nurtured, integrated service that covers all stages from development of new drugs to the commercial production has become available by using the small-scale production plant that complies with the investigational drugs GMP along with other plants.

In addition to the cost advantage of the multi-item production system, we will be able to offer more attractive prices by using the existing multi-purpose intermediate plants in a collaborative way.

In 2017, responding to the demand of the times, we launched CMC solution service business, leveraging our experience and expertise. We have assisted pharmaceutical companies in many activities, including development of manufacturing routes and analytical method test method development.

In 2024, we carried out the expansion of the GMP-compliant API plant, as well as increasing equipment for nucleic acid medicines, as we are taking on new modalities.

In the rapidly evolving global pharmaceutical industry, we, Juzen Chemical, are confident in our capability of meeting the diverse needs of our customers with our world-class technological expertise.

Daisuke Hirota
President and CEO


  • Company name


  • Establishment

    November 16, 1950

  • Paid capital

    65 million yen (JPY)

  • Business fields

    Pharmaceuticals Segment

    • Contract manufacturing of APIs and key intermediates
    • Contract trial production of APIs for investigational drugs, etc.
    • CMC Solution Services

    Fine Chemicals Segment

    • Contract manufacturing of specialized intermediates
    • Manufacturing of Malonic acid and Pyrimidine derivatives
  • Employees

    (Production 171, R&D 40, QU 84)

  • Offices

    Head Office & Plants
    1-10 Kiba-machi, Toyama-city, Toyama 930-0806 Japan
    TEL:+81-76-433-1111 FAX:+81-76-432-1165
    Tokyo Branch
    9th Floor, Yamate Building No. 3,
    2-7-13 Uchikanda, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 101-0047 Japan
    TEL:+81-3-3527-1560 FAX:+81-3-5256-8500
    Shonan Satellite Office & Lab
    Shonan Health Innovation Park C33M-1110
    2-26-1 Muraoka-Higashi, Fujisawa City, Kanagawa 251-0012 Japan



Outsourcing of intermediates, APIs, and drug products has been actively and strategically utilized by many pharmaceutical manufacturers. We, as a contract manufacturer of APIs and key intermediates, fully leverages our extensive experience and expertise to properly meet needs of our customers at every stage of outsourcing, from new drug development to existing medicines.

  • 1950

    Established with an aim to manufacture Antihistamine drugs

  • 1955

    Entered the field of industrial chemicals with production of Monochloroacetic acid

  • 1961

    Started production of intermediates for Vitamin B1 and B2

  • 1976

    Started contract manufacturing of intermediates for Sulfa drugs

  • 1983

    Started production of Malonic acid esters by CO method at Omi Plant

  • 1986

    A multi-purpose plant for pharmaceutical intermediates, completed

  • 1996

    Obtained ISO 9002 certification (returned it in 2002 to unify the standards with GMP system)

  • 1998

    JPP-I, global GMP compliant API plant, completed

  • 2000

    Received FDA inspection at the JPP-I

  • 2001

    JPP-Ⅱ renovated to a GMP compliant plant

    Obtained ISO 14001 certification

  • 2002

    JPP-I production capacity, increased

  • 2004

    JHP production capacity, increased

    Analytical Research Center, completed

  • 2005

    Received FDA inspection at JPP-I & JPP-II

  • 2006

    JPP-I production capacity, increased

  • 2008

    JPP-II production capacity, increased

  • 2013

    New R&D Center, completed

  • 2015

    JPP-III, high potenct API plant, completed

  • 2019

    Shonan Satellite Office, opened

  • 2021

    Shonan Satellite Lab, opened

    Started nucleic acid oligomers contract synthesis service

  • 2023

    New main office building, completed

  • 2024

    JPP-III production capacity, increased

    New warehouses, completed

Inspections by Regulatory Authorities

  • FDA Inspections

    2000 - JPP-Ⅰ
    2005 - JPP-Ⅰ, JPP-Ⅱ
    2009 - JPP-Ⅰ, JPP-Ⅱ
    2012 - JPP-Ⅰ
    2016 - JPP-Ⅰ, JPP-Ⅱ
    2018 - JPP-Ⅰ, JPP-Ⅱ
    2019 - JPP-Ⅰ, JPP-Ⅱ

  • MFDS Inspections

    2007 JPP-Ⅰ
    2012 JPP-Ⅰ

  • AIFA Inspection

    2012 JPP-Ⅰ


Juzen Chemical is continuously making efforts setting up a quality policy and Values based on the Vision and Mission.



Prioritize Safety, Security, and Trust

Juzen Chemical prioritizes creating an environment where employees can perform their duties safely and work with peace of mind. By doing so, we aim to generate added value to earn the trust of our customers, while cherishing long-term relationships.


Contribute to human health through added value we create

Juzen Chemical aims to play an active role in society by contributing to the people's health trough added value we create by delivering much-anticipated medicines to patients as soon as possible and ensuring stable supply.

Quality Policy

Surely accomplish customer satisfaction and trust by our consistent effort for improvement

Juzen Chemical is aspiring to build strong relationships of trust with our customers by gaining their satisfaction through our efforts for quality improvement. Always keeping this in mind, we are striving for better quality.


  • 【 Challenge 】

    Never be satisfied with the status quo; always move forward, taking on challenges!

  • 【 Enjoy 】

    Achieve personal growth and enjoy your work through company and work!

  • 【 Think 】

    No absolute answer exists in the world. Let’s think for ourselves, find optimal solutions, understand each other and move forward together as one team!

  • 【 Mind 】

    Let’s not judge things impossible, but instead, let’s have a mindset to think about how we can make it possible!

  • 【 Achieve 】

    What matters most is not only to think about it, but also to strive to finish it!

  • 【 Trust 】

    Let’s make a strong team through kindness and strictness, caring for your colleagues and team!

Juzen Chemical has established the above six principles as our values and will continue to enhance our competitiveness by supporting personal growth of our employees and strong teams through our business activities.